When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we come into a personal relationship with God, in our Savior Jesus. It is through the blessing of prayer that we are able to speak with the Lord our God. It is important to remember that we must also listen to Him as He teaches us directs us. In prayer, we are able to come to the Lord our God with thanksgiving as we praise the God of our salvation, the God of our life! (Psalm 88:1-2, Psalm 42:8) As we pray to the Lord our God we are able to lay all our requests before Him and speak to Him about our deepest desires and all our needs. We can do this with joy in our hearts, remembering that God knows our deepest desires and our every need even better than we know them ourselves, and we can rest assured knowing that, in Jesus, God satisfies our every need! We can also take great encouragement remembering that the Lord our God is always working in all things for His glory and for our good, the good of His precious, dearly loved children who have been blessed with faith in Jesus Christ our Savior. (Romans 8:28) We also come to the Lord our God in prayer to confess our sins and submit ourselves to God and learn from Him. Prayer is an expression of trust in the Lord our God because we know that it is God alone on whom we are utterly dependent for all things and so it is to our God that we must come to be fully satisfied in every way. We must come to God in prayer and submit ourselves to Him and rely on Him as He teaches us and shapes us into who He has created us to be in Him.
God desires us and commands us to be faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) Let us go to the Lord humbly in prayer, relying on the Lord our God to shape us into who He desires us to be for His glory. Let us pray that God will enable us to understand our utter dependence upon Him and enable us to submit to Him and trust in Him as He continues to bless us according to His perfect will. We can and should pray that God will search us and try us and rid us of any offensive ways. (Psalm 139:23-24) Let us ask God to teach us and enable us to live in a way that is glorifying to Him in increasing measure. The Bible tells us in Mark 11 that we are to believe that we have what we ask for in prayer. (Mark 11:24) So remember that the Lord our God is faithful and go confidently to Him, trusting in Him, as you go to Him in prayer!
I pray that God will enable each of us to understand His Word as we study the Scriptures outlined here in this plan. I pray that God will enable us to be faithful in meditating on His Word day and night, not only listening to His Word but also doing what it says. (Joshua 1:8, James 1:22) I pray that our prayer life will continue to grow in praise, thanksgiving, confession, submission, and trust and that we will always listen to the Lord our God with attentive ears both as individuals and as a church!