It is a brand new year and around this time many people often aim to make some changes in their lives. Many people often look to add some habits that they deem to be healthier and they often aim to be rid of some habits that need to be left behind. As we start out this new year, let us turn to the Lord our God and learn from Him what He desires for each of us. We can, and must, joyfully keep in mind that God is in control of all things and He is always working in all things for His glory and our good, the good of His children who have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. (Romans 8:28) The Bible instructs us to trust in the Lord our God, not relying on ourselves or on our own understanding, but to submit to God in all that we do and rely on Him, because it is the Lord our God that we are dependent upon and He is the only one who can establish our steps. (Proverbs 3:5-6) We are to align our desires with what God desires for us. We must be faithful in reading God’s Word and doing what it says. (James 1:22-25) We must live according to God’s revealed will, which God reveals to us in Scripture. It is an incredible blessing to spend time in God’s Word and to be taught by the Lord our God, so let us faithfully do so relying on God to shape us and mold us into the person that He desires each of us to be for His glory.
God desires us, and commands, us to be faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) As we look to make some positive changes this year, let us go to the Lord humbly in prayer, relying on the Lord our God to shape us into who He desires us to be. Let us pray that God will enable us to understand our utter dependence upon Him and enable us to submit to Him and trust Him as He continues to bless us according to His perfect will. We can and should pray that God will search us and try us and rid us of any offensive ways. (Psalm 139:23-24) Let us ask God to teach us and enable us to live in a way that is glorifying to Him in increasing measure. The Bible tells us in Mark 11 that we are to believe that we have what we ask for in prayer. (Mark 11:24) So remember that the Lord our God is faithful and go confidently to Him, trusting in Him, as you go to Him in prayer!
As we go forth into this new year I pray that we will constantly rely on the Lord our God to enable us to glorify Him and to serve Him faithfully with grateful hearts!